Saturday, February 20, 2010

SLCA presents Beatlemania!

Saturday, Feb 20, 2010 - My choir Salt Lake Choral Artists performed 2 concerts. A matinee and an evening performance. It was music by those that influenced and were influenced by The Beatles. My choir, The Women's Choir did 3 numbers - It's My  Party, Dancin' in the Street, and If I Fell in Love with you. Then we joined in for the final Beatles songs. It was a fun concert! I headed up the choreography for Dancin' and we dressed up in 60's costume. So hilarious! I straightened my hair for this concert even. Got the DVD of our concert. I might even upload some of it. We shall see. lol!
*This is me in my costume. I am wearing go-go boots! The sleeves were too long but it added to the fun. :) I went from looking like this to my pics below for the last half of the concert. Such a HUGE contrast.

This is how I did my hair for the final song. We couldn't dress up in our costumes, so I had to change and do my hair. This is what I decided to do. 

Did some self-portraits of myself.Wasn't sure how they'd come out but they came out great!

Just another self-portrait. 

My last one that I will post. You can see that I wore blue eye shadow to match my costume. I haven't worn blue eye shadow in many a year. 

Friday, February 5, 2010

After last night. . .

I am no longer a brunette. Yep, that is right. My gorgeous medium dark brown hair color is gone. What is the color? It is . . . midnight black. I like it but it seems...dull. Lack lustre. Plus for the first time, I missed 2 spots. My sideburns. They still have some grey to them but I liked my grey. That wasn't the goal to my coloring my hair. I wanted to do something different. I had just gotten down with all my requirements for school, gotten all but 1 signature for graduation, turning 34 in 4 weeks and just basically starting a new chapter in life and I said Hey! I want to do something to my hair. You know change it up a little. So I did. But I am going to go get another black that has a shine to it. Or I might go add some red to it, just cause.

My hair before I colored it. 

The first black. Not very good. 

The 2nd black. Much better looking! I like it but sometimes it looks like I'm wearing a wig. I finally got the chance to get a picture of it. I re-colored my hair later on the 7th.  

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What I had for dinner. . .

Now this post is in honor of my friend Austin. She suggested this and I titled it so. Heeheheheeh

I had what I have been having the past week - turkey, dressing and BBQ sauce. Hey, I have been craving BBQ sauce so I have been having it. I didn't want to make gravy. I was being lazy actually. lol

Today was actually pretty cool. I did my exit interview at school. It went well. I signed my papers, got the signatures that I needed to get, got an A- for my externship, got on the Dean's List for my GPA, am 1 signature closer to graduation. It was pretty good day all in all. I'm pleased.