Friday, February 5, 2010

After last night. . .

I am no longer a brunette. Yep, that is right. My gorgeous medium dark brown hair color is gone. What is the color? It is . . . midnight black. I like it but it seems...dull. Lack lustre. Plus for the first time, I missed 2 spots. My sideburns. They still have some grey to them but I liked my grey. That wasn't the goal to my coloring my hair. I wanted to do something different. I had just gotten down with all my requirements for school, gotten all but 1 signature for graduation, turning 34 in 4 weeks and just basically starting a new chapter in life and I said Hey! I want to do something to my hair. You know change it up a little. So I did. But I am going to go get another black that has a shine to it. Or I might go add some red to it, just cause.

My hair before I colored it. 

The first black. Not very good. 

The 2nd black. Much better looking! I like it but sometimes it looks like I'm wearing a wig. I finally got the chance to get a picture of it. I re-colored my hair later on the 7th.  


  1. I bought the new color - espresso creme. It looks shinier than the midnight black. The funny thing is that people notice the darker color but don't think that there is much difference. Yes, I took a before and I will take an after picture tomorrow when I color it again. So you can make a decision for yourself. But I kind of like it.

  2. You look beautiful no matter what color your hair is. Miss you and Love you. Let me know if you want any help with your blog.

  3. You know, I like the old color!! And then #2 in the running is the 2nd black. It's lovely and I like the tones!

  4. I really prefer my natural color but wanted to do something different before I did something drastic. But now I may have to color my hair dark brown once the black starts fading so it doesn't look dull. Oh well, I did it to myself. lol
