Saturday, December 19, 2009

Concert Tonight 12.19.09

Tonight was our Christmas Concert. My choir, Salt Lake Choral Artists Women's Choir, performed. Well, along with the rest of SLCA. It was an amazing concert. I loved singing 'Dancing Day' again. This time, I was singing Alto I and Soprano 2. Which has never happened since singing at The U with any of the choirs. I have always been Alto II. I loved singing in the upper register of my voice. It felt funny at first but after a few times, it just felt normal.

Ok, so let me start earlier than this. When I first joined up, I was told that I was needed as an Alto II. I can sing it easily. I was ok with that. I was helping Jane out. As the rehearsals went by, I noticed that it was difficult to sing the low notes. Odd I thought but I wasn't going to hurt my vocal chords. So I went to Jane about it and she told me that she had actually had me as an Alto I. Boy, did I feel silly. lol. She said, I thought that you were going to sing higher and so I made you an Alto I. Then she has me sing with the Soprano 2's in a few places. It is so nice to be singing up around a high F.

Back to the story - I was thoroughly enjoying myself singing higher. There was a slight problem though. Someone didn't get the memo about the No perfume/cologne/scented hairspray/lotion for performances. Someone was wearing perfume and it caused some havoc with my vocal chords. I was sucking on lozenges all night long. My throat started swelling up but I was lucky enough that it didn't go very far. I was still able to sing the higher parts. I was very blessed. The concert was fantastic. I had fun. We sounded good. That is what matters. It was a great concert.

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