Saturday, May 29, 2010


Today has finally come. I am walking tonight. I want to get pictures of  me in my gown in front of school so my mom and sister take the pictures just for fun...

Trying to be cool. Very windy!
Head on picture of  me in front of the school
It was so windy
Hahaha, my family is weird! 
Just me playing with my hair in the wind.
I just can't be serious. 
Yep, that's me!
Take that for a graduation picture!
I seeeeeee you!
Me at school
Just another pic of me and the school
I believe I can FLY!

People were staring at me while I was having my pictures taken but who cares?! It was my day. The funny thing is that I am wearing my work clothes underneath the gown. LOL.We are laughing and having a grand ole time. It's getting late and I need to get to work.

Work was ok, I was more worried about getting off in time to get freshened up, changed and get to dinner in time. I got off work and went home to get dressed and go to dinner with Mom and Sarah. The kids were up at Bear Lake. It really hurt that they were gone and not here for this momentous day but oh well, what could I do? Mom took Sarah and I to a pub downtown and we had some pretty good grub. The waitress was a friend of one of my classmates and gave me a sundae in congratulations of my graduation. It was yummy. At this point, I was regretting wearing the heels that I chose but I looked GOOD in them so I suffered. I took them off whenever I could. I was able to get into one of my skirts I haven't worn since early 2006. I was looking slick. I even straightened my hair!

I got to Capitol Theater, parked and grabbed all my stuff. I got in and it was chaos! I can't believe it.They hadn't even started the whole run-through nothing. We sat there for like another 20 minutes waiting. Finally they started and told us that we would go through a run-through but even changed that due to the time restraints. I'm sorry but you have us there at a certain time for a reason then start on time! It was horrible how chaotic and unorganized it all was. We had like 15 minutes to go to freshen up and get backstage before our families arrives. So really none of the women were able to get to the bathroom. This is what we did instead...
Sabreena's hiding...
Us girls - Me, Rylie, Sabreena and Holly
I don't think I need the flash on. Do you???
Rylie being cute as ever!
Rylie again...
Donna and I
Holly being kissed by Rylie
Not sure what they are doing here...
Rylie, Donna and I
Us girls again...
Us girls - Rylie, Sabrina, Holly, Donna and I got backstage and we waited...and waited...and waited...we ended up spending over 45 mins back stage while our families were scrambling for seats and to see us. Why couldn't we have spent that time out with our families and then be backstage like 15 mins before the ceremony??? It was so hot back there. And we weren't allowed to talk either, yeah right. Rylie, Donna and I were right in line together so we sat on the stage despite them telling us we couldn't. Right.

The ceremony started and we were paraded out to our seats. C'mon, really? Did we really have to waste all that time backstage to just leave and go sit in our seats in the auditorium??? Luckily, my family and friends were just a couple rows behind us.

Sorry, the lighting was horrible, but that is me...

Little did we know what we were about to witness... The introductions were made. Mark Shurtleff was the guests speaker. Really?? I hate the man. He is so arrogant and takes all credit for himself. He offended everyone of us that I was around. He went on and on about his stupid book. What does that have to do with us? It was bad enough that he was racist in his comments on history but he said that if it weren't for our teachers, we would not be graduating. WTH? How dare he! It was because of ME that I graduated NOT my instructors. They gave me my grades and tests but I did the work not them! Oh, how we all were livid at this point. Shurtleff just went on and on. Seriously, we had our shoes off and were threatening to throw them up on stage and stage a walkout but sadly we were stuck in the middle of the rows so we couldn't leave. Luckily, he finally shut up and we listened to another speaker. Gag me. I was so done by now. Now we have to sit through each row to get called up. By this time, I am sore from all this. Our row finally goes up to wait in line... Then they start out degree program - Medical Specialties! I so want to take off my heels and carry them across the stage with me. Well here are the pics of graduation...

I don't remember who I am shaking hands with...

Me right after dealing with that woman not letting me out of the building so I was putting on my gown again. 
Mom, Sarah and I

Me acting excitedly stupid...
Ralph, Marissa, Me, Amanda and Jennifer.
Me "kissing" the camera, yeah it's looks more like the duck thing going around in pictures...
Mom and I
Amanda and I
Amanda and I. Classmates!
Mom and I
Sarah, Mom and I
Getting a little slap happy...
I believe that I hit Rissa in the head...
Mom and I
Close up!
This "man" ruined my graduation picture. Mark Shurtleff. Jerk. 
After we walked and headed outside, we all went to meet family and friends. All of us wanted pictures outside. I start to head outside with my gown on and this big woman, gets in my way and says "Have you paid for the gown?" I look at her and said, "No." "Well, you can't go outside with it on outside unless you have paid for it." and she blocks me from leaving. I said, "That is not how it works, we were told that if we didn't return it by the time we left, we would be charged for the stupid gown." "No, that is wrong. You have to pay for it first." "No, you are wrong." She is still blocking my way. I yell over her head to my mom outside and over everyone else in the hallway and say "I can't get out the F*!$%^N building without paying for the F*!#$&N gown!" I was so livid! Then this guy  let me out saying, "It's your day, go enjoy it." I went out for pictures with my family and you know what? They sent out a "bodyguard" to watch over me so that I returned the gown!!! He kept telling us to hurry up and getting in the way of my pictures. Then Shurtleff ruins one of my pictures. When we are done, I take off my gown, I walk in and throw the gown on the table and give them my name and leave. I am so GLAD to be done with this school!! I really hated this day. The stupid school ruined my day and no one apologized. Luckily, Amanda, Sarah, Ralph, Rissa and I go out for food and clubbing. I really enjoyed dancing that night. I haven't done that in a LOOOOONG time. Ah, such sweet release for a horrible experience at graduation ceremony.

And I still have yet to write to the school about ruining my day...

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